रेविएव्स एंड Goings
I have been browsing some of the websites/blogs lately and found out some of the blogs which have drastically changed them over this month or so. One of them is Get Netted , the domain is around 8 years and has excellent SERPS.
Last night I was looking on to it and found out that the latest post on the site about pagerank was on the google's first page in a flash i.e. it took less than one minute to get indexed in Google. One more thing about the site is that it is currently using a magazine theme which make's its out bounds considerably lesser than it could have been.Now coming to another site, the other site is Larger Than Life which is doing very good in terms of it's rankings in Search Engines but not as good as Get Netted. According to Whois both the domains belong to same person. The current Pagerank of both the domains is 3 and 4 respectively. One more site to watch is The Business Blog which is not exactly a complete Business Blog but considerable amount of business related topics on the blog. You can find out credit card related queries, The Richest Indian and other things on the site.