Building your brand
Work From Home Blogger
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
9:15 PM
When I try to purchase products now a days, I try to purchase those which have name in the market and look decent. For example , when I try to buy Jeans I try to look first for renowned names like Levis , Provogue etc in the market and if I get the Jeans that I am exactly looking for then I purchase it no matter what the price is.
When I was doing my BCA degree course , I was in need of computer materials often as I had to do some experiments. These experiments lead me to computer market often and people said there that products from D-Link were best in the category of routers and networks. Even though Cisco is best know for Network capabilities , that is on large scale.
So, brand is what people know about a product without being advertised more often and this kind of service does not come cheap , it involves creating campaigns that creates awareness among masses about the product. To build the brand name a Naming Company is needed which will help creating that kind of awareness in public minds.If you have a start up product and looking for the brand building then Brand Identity guru is the best place for you to start your venture as they will create a suitable branding experience for your start up project and product.
This is a sponsored review